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Are you a guilty parent?

Are you feeling guilty? Do you feel bad about letting your kids play too many games? Well, don’t put the handcuffs on just yet, stay positive and let’s look at all the good you are doing for your child.

We are truly living in the digital age where children are constantly sitting in front of a screen whether it's at home, school, or even the bus stop! Technology is becoming more and more important in a child’s life and it's understandable that parents and caregivers would worry and feel guilty about their kids' gaming habits. They can feel that they are ignoring their child or using gaming to distract them so there can be a moment of peace and quiet. But it's important to remember that gaming can be good for your child if you do it in moderation and with some thought. So before you worry, let’s take a look at all the good you are doing for your children.


1.       Chances to learn  


Despite what most people think, not all games are mindless. In fact, many aren’t. Lots of video games teach you how to think critically, solve problems, and plan strategically. Some games even teach people about history, science, language, and how to tell complicated stories. By playing these games, kids can add to what they learn in school in a way that is both fun and interactive. Playing video games is how I learnt to read when I was younger so think of it as an educational tool especially if you are able to find more educational games out there for your child to play.


2.       Social Interaction


Online multiplayer games give kids a chance to talk to their friends in real life and all over the world. When people play games together, they learn how to work as a team, talk to each other, and negotiate. These online social interactions can even help kids feel better about themselves and help them feel more confident in real life social situations.


3.       Reliving stress


Just like adults can unwind with reading a good book or watching their favourite TV show, kids can do the same thing by playing games. Kids can deal with stress and take a break from their daily routines in a healthy way by doing fun things like playing video games. Even stressful games can be relaxing because it allows kids to focus on something else even for a moment. I often find when I play more intense games I am able to process problems in the background and by the time I finish gaming, I feel a million times better!


4.       Undertaking modern digital systems


Technology is constantly evolving and has become essential in everyday life. It's important that children are exposed to and learn how to use digital platforms and interfaces so that they can become more comfortable with digital technology by playing video games. Learning this through gaming can help them earn important digital literacy skills that are becoming more important in school and their lives. Also, this gives children the ability to understand healthy technology habits. They learn to understand rules and limits for how long they can play games which can teach them important lessons about time management and self-discipline.


5.       Entertainment


There are many many, many, many, different kinds of entertainment for children. Just like parents introduce their kids to movies, books, and outdoor activities, gaming is another type of entertainment. Giving a child a wide range of things to do can enrich their experiences and help them learn more about the world. But also think of gaming along the lines of watching TV or reading a book, would you feel guilty if your child read a book all day? Remember that it is likely that they are learning just as much (if not more) from playing video games.


6.       Independence


Kids are always learning. An important part of growing up is developing and understanding your own limits to what you can handle and what you should prioritize. Letting kids make choices within the limits set by their parents helps them become more independent and learn how to make good decisions. Giving your child the freedom to make their own decisions by trusting them to be responsible with their game time can really help to develop a child's confidence and independence.


It's okay to feel guilty but in the end, parents shouldn't feel bad about letting their kids play games. Instead, they should be excited about the benefits that may come from smart and balanced gaming. Like any activity, the key is to do it in moderation and choose carefully. Don’t forget to let kids be kids!



By Gee Gee

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